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Available in PDF format, the Handbook covers major topics relevant to SIR chapters; including advice relating to roles and structure, membership selection, induction, event planning, and a repository of essential forms needed to coordinate local chapter activity with the National Office.
Student Induction Instructions
A Word document detailing the procedure for chapters to follow in order to induct new members.
An Excel document which must completed and submitted electronically to the National Office with any induction request.
Information regarding the recent effort to financially assist members interested in researching subjects relevant to SIR’s mission.
Obtaining a password for the below documents
If you are a SIR member, you can obtain the password from the faculty advisor at your school or by contacting the National Office at
A MS Word document that includes the latest active chapter directory, a letterhead, high resolution image of the crest, and information on how to access certain resources. Password protected. Email if password unknown.
Internship Link (password protected)
A collection of internships and contacts in both private and public sectors. Developed for Sigma Iota Rho members to help them land that perfect summer internship!