Call for Undergraduate Student Papers

Call for Undergraduate Student Papers

Deadline: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Pi Sigma Alpha Journal invites submissions from undergraduates of any class or major. Students do not need to be Pi Sigma Alpha members. Students may submit after graduation, as long as the research was completed while the author was an undergraduate. In general, papers selected for publication are well-written with a well-developed thesis, compelling argument, and original analysis.

#sigmaiotarhonationalhonorsocietyforinternationalstudies #sigmaiotarho #nationalhonorsociety #honorsociety #internationalstudies #sir #sirhq #sirnational #politicalscience #internationalrelations #internationalaffairs #globalstudies #worldstudies #internationalservice #ipe #internationalpoliticaleconomyanddevlopment #internationaleducation #diplomacy #socialscience #government #regionalstudies #legalstudies #humanity #comparativestudies #geography #languages #publicaffairs #internationalbusiness #politics #politicalaffairs #sustainabledevelopment #worldculture #philosophy #theology #behavioralscience #humanrights #religiousstudies #callforundergraduatestudentpapers #pisigmaalphajournal #pisigmaalpha #journal #submissions #undergraduate #originalanalysis

FAO Schwartz Social Impact Fellowship

FAO Schwartz Social Impact Fellowship

Deadline: Friday, February 10, 2023

The FAO Schwarz Fellowship is a two-year experience in the world of social impact that includes focused professional development. Successful candidates have proven academic excellence, demonstrated leadership in their college communities and are eager to immerse themselves in an experience that will challenge them, train them and empower them with the skills and network they need to take a first step towards leadership in the world of social impact. Applicants must be college seniors at the time of application and be eligible to work in the United States for the duration of the Fellowship.


#sigmaiotarhonationalhonorsocietyforinternationalstudies #sigmaiotarho #nationalhonorsociety #honorsociety #internationalstudies #sir #sirhq #sirnational #politicalscience #internationalrelations #internationalaffairs #globalstudies #worldstudies #internationalservice #ipe #internationalpoliticaleconomyanddevlopment #internationaleducation #diplomacy #socialscience #government #regionalstudies #legalstudies #humanity #comparativestudies #geography #languages #publicaffairs #internationalbusiness #politics #politicalaffairs #sustainabledevelopment #worldculture #philosophy #theology #behavioralscience #humanrights #religiousstudies #faoschwartzsocialimpactfellowship #faoschwartz #fao #socialimpactfellowship #fellowship #twoyear #socialimpact #focusedprofessionaldevelopment #professionaldevelopment #academicexcellence #leadership #collegeseniors #seniors #eligibletoworkinus

Fall Registration CLOSES TODAY for the Foreign Service Officer Test

Fall Registration CLOSES TODAY for the Foreign Service Officer Test

The Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) is an important part of the State Department Foreign Service Officer selection process, covering the job knowledge, English expression, and situational judgement necessary to work as a Foreign Service Officer. The test is offered several times throughout the year. To be eligible, candidates must be a US citizen on the date the candidate submits the registration package; at least 20 and no older than 59 years of age, and available for worldwide assignments, including DC. In a policy change, everyone who applies and completes the FSOT will move forward to the Qualifications Evaluation Panel. Learn about some of the expected changes to the FSOT here.

#sir #sigmaiotarho #sirhq #sirnational #foreign #service #foreignservice #foreignserviceofficertest #officertest #fsot #statedepartment #jobknowledge #englishexpression #situationaljudgement #uscitizen #us #citizen #agebetweentwentyandfiftynine #availableforworldwideassignments