NTI Paid Summer 2023 Internships in DC

NTI Paid Summer 2023 Internships in DC

Deadline: Sunday, February 26, 2023

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a non-profit whose mission is to transform global security by driving systemic solutions to nuclear and biological threats imperiling humanity, is now taking internship applications for Summer 2023. Undergraduates with at least two years of study and the legal right to work in the US are invited to apply. Their hourly rate is $17/hour. Interns are also provided with paid holidays, up to 40 hours of paid sick leave (if needed), and up to $300 of commuter benefits.


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Community College Global Affairs Fellowship

Community College Global Affairs Fellowship

Deadline: Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Community College Global Affairs Fellowship helps strengthen the international affairs talent ecosystem in the US. This fully paid fellowship will engage (at least) 30 American community college, transfer, and non-traditional students from across the US in 1-on-1 mentorship, as well as bring them to DC to participate in an immersive two-week summer enrichment program in June 2023. Participants must be US citizens from groups such as first-generation, low-income, or from overlooked regions of the country. Applicants must have/be receiving an Associate’s Degree by August 2023 AND/OR plan to be starting at a 4-year university by Fall 2023. A daily stipend, roundtrip airfare, lodging, ground transportation to and from the airport in DC, and a per diem for meals and incidentals for each day of the program, will all be covered.


#sigmaiotarhonationalhonorsocietyforinternationalstudies #sigmaiotarho #nationalhonorsociety #honorsociety #internationalstudies #sir #sirhq #sirnational #politicalscience #internationalrelations #internationalaffairs #globalstudies #worldstudies #internationalservice #ipe #internationalpoliticaleconomyanddevlopment #internationaleducation #diplomacy #socialscience #government #regionalstudies #legalstudies #humanity #comparativestudies #geography #languages #publicaffairs #internationalbusiness #politics #politicalaffairs #sustainabledevelopment #worldculture #philosophy #theology #behavioralscience #humanrights #religiousstudies #communitycollegeglobalaffairsfellowship #communitycollege #globalaffairsfellowship #globalaffairs #fellowship #us #paidfellowship #transfer #transferstudents #nontraditionalstudents #nontraditional #oneononementorship #dc #immersivetwoweeksummerenrichmentprogram #immersiveprogram #twoweeks #summer2023 #paidfellowship #paidfellowship2023 #paidsummerfellowship #paidsummerfellowship2023 #paidsummer2023 #enrichmentprogram #uscitizens #firstgeneration #lowincome #overlookeduscountryregions #associatesbyaugust2023 #startingfouryearuniversityfall2023 #stipend #roundtripairfare #lodging #groundtransportationtoandfromairportdc #perdiemmeal #perdiemincidentals #perdiemmealsperdayofprogram #perdiemincidentalsperdayofprogram

CFR Webinars: U.S. Strategy in East Asia

CFR Webinars: U.S. Strategy in East Asia

Stay tuned via our social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and SIR Website/News) for more information!

Event Date:  Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Event Time:  1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (EST)


Chris Li, Director of Research, Asia-Pacific Initiative, and Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University. http://ow.ly/aGjX50MVWOK

Background Readings:      

Michael J. Green, “The Real China Hands: What Washington Can Learn From Its Asian Allies,” Foreign Affairs, November/December 2022. http://ow.ly/POXR50MVWOH

“Should the United States Pledge to Defend Taiwan? Foreign Affairs Asks the Experts,” http://ow.ly/bTkK50MVWOJ, November 15, 2022. http://ow.ly/UbzZ50MVWOL

“U.S.-China Relations,” Timeline, Council on Foreign Relations, November 15, 2022. http://ow.ly/qIQ650MVWOM

Related Resource:

In this CFR Home and Abroad public forum, Oriana Skylar Mastro, Evan S. Medeiros, Jessica Chen Weiss, and Richard Haass discuss the U.S.-China relationship. http://ow.ly/FKtO50MufH2

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#sigmaiotarhonationalhonorsocietyforinternationalstudies #sigmaiotarho #nationalhonorsociety #honorsociety #internationalstudies #sir #sirhq #sirnational #politicalscience #internationalrelations #internationalaffairs #globalstudies #worldstudies #internationalservice #ipe #internationalpoliticaleconomyanddevlopment #internationaleducation #diplomacy #socialscience #government #regionalstudies #legalstudies #humanity #comparativestudies #geography #languages #publicaffairs #internationalbusiness #politics #politicalaffairs #sustainabledevelopment #worldculture #philosophy #theology #behavioralscience #humanrights #religiousstudies #councilonforeignaffairs #cfr #webinar #usstrategyineastasia #usstrategy #eastasia #chrisli #asiapacific #asiainitiative #belfercenterforscienceandinternatioalaffairs #harvarduniversity #michaeljgreen #china #washington #asianallies #usdefendtaiwan #defendtaiwan #taiwan #uschinarelations #uschina #us #uschinarelationship

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