Research Internship Opportunities with The Wilson Center
Deadline: Sunday, December 4, 2022
Woodrow Wilson Center Research Assistant interns are students who provide 12-15 hours of research assistance each week. Students work one-on-one with an expert to conduct in-depth analysis of pressing issues. In Spring 2023, interns have the flexibility to opt for a fully remote, fully in-person in DC, or hybrid internship. Interns receive a $500 monthly stipend, unless they are receiving external funding or are deemed ineligible to receive a stipend by their university. The Center can also facilitate academic credit options. Applicants must have a 3.0+ GPA (or equivalent). Applicants must be current undergraduates or recent graduates (within one calendar year). Non-degree seeking students are ineligible. NonUS students studying in the US are eligible if they hold a valid F-1 or J-1 visa and appropriate work authorization.
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