Blogger and Vlogger Grant

Blogger and Vlogger Grant


Spring 2023 Deadline: Friday, November 4, 2022

Each term, CAPA select a team of student bloggers, vloggers, and TikTok vloggers to share their study abroad experiences on the CAPA World blog. Our Fall, Spring, and Summer bloggers, vloggers, and TikTok vloggers receive a grant to help generate content while abroad.

To be eligible, you must have been accepted to study abroad on a CAPA program, and along with your application, you must complete a sample blog/vlog entry based on a prompt and submit a link to show examples of your work.

Official bloggers and vloggers submit content to deadlines during their CAPA program, and then wrap up with an additional reflection post once they have completed their program. There are a few required topics to cover, but also plenty of room for creativity.

To apply for a Blogger/Vlogger Grant, fill out the form at the link below completely by the application deadline. You will need to send a sample blog or vlog, so make sure to include a shareable URL.

Disclaimer: This grant could potentially be taxable. Speak to a financial consultant for advice.

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