Miller Lite Scholarships:
Deadline: Sunday, July 31, 2022, 5:00 PM CST
- Brewed to Be Bright Scholarships - (21) $2,500/(8) $5,000
The student must be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, or DACA recipient, 21 years or older attending a two-year or four-year institution in a select city/state for the award. It is open to full-time or part-time undergraduates of all majors. This scholarship opportunity also includes a fully paid sponsorship to participate in the HACU/¡Adelante! Leadership Institute Conference in San Diego, California, where recipients will be invited to attend.
- Miller Lite – Texas (15) $2,500/ $5,000
(7) $2,500
Dallas, Texas (3) $2,500
* University of Texas at Arlington
* University of Texas at Dallas
*Dallas Community College System (Richland, El Centro, Brookhaven)
Laredo, Texas (2) $2,500
*Texas A&M International University
*McAllen, Texas (2) $2,500
*University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
(8) $5,000
Houston, Texas (8) $5,000
*University of Houston (4)
Houston Community College (4)
- Miller Lite – National (14) $2,500
Colorado (3) $2,500
Puerto Rico (1) $2,500
Los Angeles, California (2) $2,500
Miami, Florida (2) $2,500
Chicago, Illinois (3) $2,500
New York, New York (2) $2,500
Milwaukee, Wisconsin (1) $2,50
#sir #sigmaiotarho #sirhq #sirnational #millerlitescholarships #scholarships #brewedtobebright #scholarship #uscitizen #permanentresident #dacarecipient #twentyoneyearsoldorolder #attendingtwoyearorfouryearinstitution #twoyearinstitution #fouryearinstitution #fulltimeundergraduate #parttimeundergraduate #fulltime #parttime #undergraduates #allmajors #fullypaidsponsorship #fullypaidsponsorshiphacu¡adelante!leadershipinstituteconference #hacu¡adelante!leadershipinstituteconferenc